Classroom Set-Up, Day 3

Another day, another box (or 2, or 7, or 19 perhaps)...

Today was VERY productive!  No side trips to Target and minimal conversation breaks.  (Well, "minimal" might be a strong word, but there was definitely less chatting!)  Everything is officially unpacked, organized, and just about put away.  That means tomorrow I can start the fun part - the decorating!

Oh look, a real classroom without cardboard!

Look at that cleared off carpet, woohoo!

I even have extra space in this closet!
Don't worry, I'll fill it up before the week ends!

A sea of plastic bins and labels.  A teacher's dream, haha!!!


  1. Your classroom looks so big and spacious! I love the windows! I hope you have a great year!

  2. Your classroom looks GREAT! I just found you! Stop by if you get a chance :)
    Tori's Teacher Tips


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