Management and Rewards

With less than 30 days (eek!) until we are back into the new school year, I've been reviewing and revamping my classroom management and reward system.

Similar to the clip charts that are so cute and seemingly EVERYWHERE right now, I use a chart system as well.  I keep mine in a pocket chart that I purchased from Really Good Stuff... because I love pocket charts.  Did I mention that?!  I may have mentioned it a time or two, haha.  I use baseball accents with my students' names on them to go along with my Team Theme, instead of the cards that originally came with the pocket chart.  I keep my chart on the back of my classroom door so that it's accessible, but not glaringly out in the open for all to gawk at!

With consistent and clear expectations in my classroom, most of my kids remain on green each day.  The ones who do need more than a verbal reminder to correct their behavior move their name down the chart and have some time-out at the end of the day.  Together we reflect on how the student can move forward and make better choices next time.

Last year I wanted more of an incentive and recognition for those students that stayed on green all day. I made an individual behavior incentive chart to keep in their Take-Home folders.  Each day that a student stays on green they get a sticker added to the chart.  It's a great way to communicate daily with parents on behavior, because if a student comes home without a sticker they discuss what happened during their day.  I got great feedback from parents this year about how proud their kids were to come home with a sticker showing what a great day they had, and parents often informed me that their child was so excited to get the chart filled up because they had already decided what privilege they were working towards.  It's amazing what a lil sticker will do for a six year old!  You can grab a free copy of my behavior incentive chart HERE.

What happens when the students fill up their chart you ask?  They get a reward of course! They get to choose a class privilege.  I love privileges in the classroom instead of a prize box.  I've never had a prize box, and probably never will.  I don't want to spend money on trinkets to fill it up, and quite frankly, I don't think kids need a random plastic toy in order to behave in a positive way.  Instead, my kids get to choose a privilege in the classroom.  Inspired by Pinterest (this pin from the Seusstastic Mel D!), I got a cute jewelry organizer box to keep my privileges in this year.  I had previously had a small collection of privileges, but recently expanded the choices and designed some cute new reward coupons.  

LOVE how organized these will stay!

There are 12 different privilege coupons that can be found in my TPT Store.  I can't wait for my new batch of firsties to start earning their rewards!!

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